Update Oct 2023
Package v5.7.1 Version
Last updated
Package v5.7.1 Version
Last updated
What's new?
New Popup design: Stats are more visible and looks more clean for studying.
Popup is now splitted in 2: Squeeze; Cold4bets and 4Bet Call spots are located in another profile called "RESEARCH_ADDONS". As these spots are less frequent than others, the main popup takes less time to build stats and prevent stat overloading [This applies only in Hand2Note 3]
Fixed 4-Card Straight River: It was showing wrong outcomes and now it doesn't include turn straights-River close flush.
Added several specific lines for Single Raised pots & 3Bet Pots.
Added more preflop stats in "vs Open Raise" tab. Not it's possible to explore responses vs different sizings.
Ready made reports are now simplified [Hand2Note 3]
General stat fix.